Friday Favorites

Here are some of my faaaavorite things (ala Julie Andrews).

1. I have no idea how I missed the bandwagon on “How I Your Mother” but I did & it makes me sad when I think of all those years I wasted not watching this miracle of a TV show. Then Netflix held and intervention by having the show on their instant que, and within a few weeks Jon and I had watched the entire series. When we finished the last episode I was genuinely sad; it was admittedly pathetic. I missed Barney (the most hilarious character ever to grace to screen of the tube), Lily, Marshall, Ted, and even my least favorite character Robin. Then we realized the show is still on! I jumped for joy and now I don’t hate Mondays because I know I get to hang out with the gang again. In the words of the man himself, “How I met your mother is Legand- wait for it-“ nah, I’m not actually going to go there.


2. I just discovered Chobani this week. What am I doing with my life that I only just started watching the best TV show ever, and eating the best breakfast/snack/dessert food. Ah, Chobani, how I love thee.


I bought a Clarisonic a few months ago to get my skin in tip-top condition for the wedding. I wasn’t really seeing the results that I expected after shelling out so many bills for a face cleanser so I decided to switch facial soaps and started using a gentler one. This week I also stopped wearing foundation to work, which is hard for me because my skin is naturally red and I am a little self-conscious of that; but I can really see the difference. My skin is noticeably smoother, less breakouts, and my pores seem a little smaller. Anyone else not experience any pimples during puberty, and then BAM! You hit your mid-twenties and all of a sudden you can play connect the dots on your face?


I have searched for the perfect sapphire bracelet for months. I wanted one to match my other wedding day accessories, but nothing was really standing out to me; until I did a search on Etsy and stumbled on to a shop that has some of the cutest, classic, and most beautiful jewelry I have seen in the internet.

Look how cute the wrapping is; I almost didn't wait to open it!

Can't wait to wear it on the big day!

Check out CJ Ross Boutique, I can’t say enough positive things about her jewelry.  Now I need to not give into the temptation of buying the matching earrings… I already have earrings to wear that I bought a year ago, but like I said, her stuff is ah-ma-ZING!

Here is my favorite candid picture of the week; my dog is hilarious, ’nuff said.


And although posting this picture makes me feel like I’m cheating at my own game because I took it three weeks ago. When I initially decided to lose weight I had a BMI of 40, which is classified as extreme obesity.  I never thought I would reach the point where my Wii fit would tell me I am “normal weight.”  I have cut my BMI nearly in half, and that I am truly proud of!


So there you have it! What are some of your favorite things this Friday?


Filed under TV, wedding, weight loss, weight watchers

4 responses to “Friday Favorites

  1. I discovered HIMYM last year and was hooked too! And congrats on your weight loss! That’s great effort!

  2. Pingback: Love and what? | Love and Sapphire

  3. Pingback: Birchbox | Love and Sapphire

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