I’m back… Almost!

So I have officially become one of “those brides.” You know, the ones that promise they will blog or post pictures “the day after.” Then reality hits, you go on your honeymoon, and after that you find out you want to be generic and enjoy time with your new hubs.

This post is just to let you know I’m alive {not gonna lie, flattered by the new Love and Sapphire followers! Hi Guys!}

I will be back up to 3 posts a week come Monday and slowly work my way back up to five. Until then, here is a tease of things you have to look forward to {or at least I hope so!} 🙂 Wedding pictures won’t be ready for a few weeks, but we are moving at the end of July so I have a lot of decorating ideas (Either fails or accomplishments, we will soon see) to share here in the mean time. We are moving to an apartment while we save for a house, so my goal is to make the new place look chic and homey, yet realizing Ikea & the thrift store is more reasonable for an apartment.

Now on for a few teaser pictures until the real ones come in. These are from my BFF and her dad. I know I’m biased but they turned out pretty darn good. I literally remember starting to walk down the aisle and seeing so many more people than I thought would come to the ceremony. Therefore, I instantly wanted to say hi to everyone; I was so overwhelmed with emotion. Then I realized that it may not be appropriate so I gathered myself. But I just felt so darn loved, and it was one of the best moments of my life!

20120523-225433.jpg Happiest moment of my life, my dad walking me down the aisle. Words can’t express what this ment for me and to see all our friends and family!


If my dad waking me down the aisle was my happiest moment, I don’t even know what this is! So happy for him to be my hubs and for me to be his wife. The start to a great day and life together! My hubs is my best friend. I’m a lucky lady. 🙂


And if you think I look happy in this pictures, just take a look at Jacob (the cat) and his brother Buddy. We came home from our honeymoon and Jacob could not be found… he was hiding like cats normally do when there owners come home after a long time away. We then picked up the Bud-man from my in-laws {still love saying that, I don’t know if it will get old} and Jacob came running out… They have been cuddling ever since. Pathetic… But in the cutest way!

See ya next week, lots of fun things to come!

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Filed under blogging, Family, monday, wedding

off getting married!

The posts will be few and far between {if any} since I am getting married soon! Check back the second week of May for and updated L&S.com

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Cake topper

Last night consisted of me randomly getting inspired; making a “quick stop” at Jo-Ann’s and Micahel’s. {Ever notice how both of those stores don’t have everything you need? It’s a conspiracy!} Anyways, here is my Wednesday night DIY, super awesome cake topper:

Now I just have to say peace out to the old cake topped that I bought when we first got engaged. Never really liked it… Was just spur of the moment: omfgimactiallygettingmarriedyey! Kind of purchase. 😉


’til next time,

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Filed under blogging, DIY, wedding, wedding DIY



Beer from Lake Bluff Brewery. We didn’t go this weekend; or for the past few weekends… Buuuut this place has the best micro-brews. Makes me never want to move from Lake Bluff. almost. I’d take living closer to Momma Sheila any day over a good beer. No matter how delish. I think I’m just really craving beer since I’m denying myself it until the wedding. Can ya tell?


Marriage license Friday! I told Jonathan’s sister via text after I sent this pic that I hope our photographer can center photos better then myself. 😉


My favorite boys! ‘Nuff said.


Flowers last night to say “happy 12 days til we’re married.” I think I found a keeper. 😉

This covo from this morning that Jonathan started. Cracks me up. I win for creativity though! 😉

What are some of you favorite things as of late?

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Like every other blogger out there, I decided to join Birchbox a month or two ago. This saturday I received my second one, and I have to admit that it is fun to get some samples every month. The nail polishes are especially fun. I am usually a nail polish “snob” and primarily stick to OPI or Essie, but in this month’s box there was another brand called Zoya. I really liked the application, the color went on thick but not too thick, and dried quickly. The color is a pretty shade of turquoise and according to the description from Birchbox, it lasts about 50% longer than traditional polishes. I will let you know at the end of the week how the color stayed. It’s called “Bevin.”


{trying to be a nail polish model?}

I did skip ahead a bit, here is my March box freshly opened

Birchboxs usually come with five items. Besides the nail polish it came with:

  • Befine {Skincare Sampler}
  • Lulu Organics {Lavender +Clary Sage Hiar Powder}
  • Taylor Swift {Wonderstruck}
  • Yes To {Blueberries Brightening Facial Towelettes}

The other item that I tested so far is the Taylor Swift perfume. I have to admit, usually I don’t buy celebrity perfumes, clothing lines, etc. It all just strikes me as cheesy. But this perfume is ah-ma-ZING. I absolutely love the way it smells. I am even thinking of purchasing the full size bottle and wearing it as my wedding day scent. {Which I used to think was a b.s. but now that I am getting closer to the wedding I am thinking I may have to get something.} I very rarely wear perfume. Random fact about Jon is that he doesn’t have a sense of smell. So buying perfume usually seems like a waste to me. Especially since once you spray it on, you get used to the smell and can’t smell it anymore. But I am considering buying Wonderstruck.

I am also looking forward to trying to Yes To Blueberries; I love blueberries {get that from Momma Sheila} and I like face wipes to remove makeup when I am just feeling lazy and don’t feel like breaking out the Clarisonic.

All in all, after being a participant of Birchbox for two months I think it is well worth the $10 a month. You are basically just paying for shipping and handling. If you like to try new products I would highly suggest joining. Quick heads up though; when Birchbox first came out bloggers were writing about it everywhere, and I just thought it was for referral bonus points, or they were getting the boxes for free. Well, word spread and now there is {or at least was when I joined} a wait list. I was only on the list for a week or two and then received my invitation.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!

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Filed under blogging, product reviews

No more wire hangers!!

Bonus points of you recognize the movie quote, which I think should be fairly obvious. I always have wanted one of those cute wire hangers from etsy for my dress; but could not justify spending $35+ on a damn hanger. What’s a girl to do? Make a bootleg herself of course!


Hanger from Target+yellow paint+wood hearts from Joann’s+doilys= a hanger that will look good in pictures and didn’t break the bank!

Detailed instructions will follow after the wedding; when I have time; 15 days to go!

{and trying to get the colors to show up correctly makes me realize that after the wedding I need to take the time to take pictures with an real camera, and not my phone… the convenience of modern technology makes me lazy apparently!}


Filed under blogging, wedding, wedding DIY

Gratuitous dog post (aka budman is awesome)


Wordless Thursday?

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Things that make me go “hmmm?”

Yesterday I leafed through a magazine of the break-room of my office while I heated up some coffee in the microwave. At that point I stumbled across this picture: (can’t remember if was Cosmo, Marie Claire etc).


Seriously? “modest cut for shy types?” Now I’m not trying to be a hater; if you have a rocking body, rock away. My philosophy is that if God made me a size two I’d be so conceited that I would walk around in a string bikini 24/7. In the mid-west. In the dead of winter. This is why, even at my tiniest I am a 10, but I am perfectly content with that.

My point is this: that shirt is not for a “shy type.” I generally deduce conservative or “shy” dressing girls also have a wardrobe which can be worn to work in some capacity. I wouldn’t even wear this in front of my screw-drive drinking, liberal-minded, swear like a sailor, Irish granny, let alone out to work or public. Hell, I wouldn’t even wear it to Da Club. If going to Da Club was what I did.

Either way you cut it, this shirt is not for “shy” girls. This shirt is for girls as confident as Tara Banks on season 55 of America’s Next Type Model. I commend you ladies, but don’t listen to the magazine when it says putting a cardigan over the crop top makes it work appropriate. Unless you button it; which then what the hell is the point of a crop top? And when did crop tops even come back in style? So many questions, so little time; but one thing I have learned is 90s fashion is reallycoming back full force.

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Filed under blogging, Fashion, things that make me go hmmm?

how to make a wedding seating chart (and not want to shoot yourself in the foot)

Saturday night, after a Skinny Girl Marg run with Momma Sheila (our beverage of choice) my BFF & Second in Command, D, came over and helped with some projects and the seating chart.  I saw this idea on Pinterest awhile ago and felt like it was the way to go since it looks like the easiest way to make a wedding seating plan; but I still needed a little direction (and D is a teacher, so directions is something she is especially good at). 😉


And this is what I ended up with:

The colors don’t mean anything in mine, apparently I do not have it as together as the fake bride in the photo-shoot above, but I digress.

Here are the steps:

  1. Start off with a few select people, debate with your mom for over 20 minutes where they should sit.
  2. Have your friend interject and point out how it would make much more sense to write all the names out on each individual post-it so you can see everyone.  Points for being visual D!
  3. Separate the post-its into groups: my cousins, our friends, his family, my family, family friends etc.
  4. Then take those groups and magically make them fit at the tables.
One of the reasons why I fell in love with our venue was because some tables are small, some are big, some are round, some are square.. it just looks more natural to me. (That and the charivari chairs, BOOM!)  Doing this seating chart made me wish I chose a traditional banquet hall with 15 roundtables that all sit eight!
All in all, the tables came out good.  I took the next step in this venture last night by using google docs to bring the seating chart into the 21st century.  I had to figure out an easy way to send it off the my future MIL (mother in law) who’s been making a few trips back and forth to the great white north (a.k.a. Wisconsin) so I haven’t been able to see her lately.  Once she looks at it and give it two thumbs up (and hopefully not down) I will continue designing our escort cards.
Also: shout out to my guest: I only had to chase down a couple of RSVPs, and they are all accounted for by now!  Nice job guys! (cue round of applause).

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Martha & Escort Cards


This is my “it’s so good it’s bad aisle” at Jo-Ann’s. Especially since they are redoing the store I frequent and now the Martha Stewart section is more appropriately sized! I kept sending Jon texts consisting of, “Martha is amazing!!” “Martha has done it soooo right the season!”

I had immediate inspiration for my escort cards as soon as I walked down this aisle last night. Can’t wait to show you!

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